The Center offers:
Clinical Skills:
- 18 OSCE rooms – with standard medical equipment with 2 Foscam/Axis video cameras/room and Learning Space.
- 4 Group debriefing rooms with some Skill Training Simulators.
- 2 Classrooms: 35 seats with state-of- the-art audio-visual equipment
- 1 Server room running Learning Space, Electronic Medical Record capability and Video recording capability.
- 1 Standardized Patient Training room.
Clinical Simulation:
- 2 Part task training rooms:1 Room has AV equipment and reconfigurable learning stations for Vital Signs, Funduscopy, Otoscopy, Audiometry, Visual Screening, Lumbar Puncture, Rectal Examination, and Pelvic Examination for Female & Male, and Peripheral IV
- 1 Room for performing invasive procedures including Airway Management (adult & pediatric), Central Venous, Catheterization (Anatomical landmark & Ultrasound-Guided), Virtual Reality Peripheral Venous Catheterization, and Decompression of Tension Pneumothorax.
- 1 High Fidelity Simulation room with gas lines for Oxygen, Nitrogen and central vacuum for 5 adult high fidelity simulator manikins (2 SimMan 3G, 1 SimMan 3G Trauma,1 HAL, 1 Susie)
- 1 High Fidelity Simulation room with gas lines for Oxygen, Nitrogen and central vacuum for 4 pediatric high fidelity simulator manikins (2 SimJunior, 1 SimBaby, 1Newborn) and 3 birthing Simulators (1 Noelle Birthing Simulators and 2 Sim Mom).
- 2 Control rooms
- System Based Virtual Reality (VR) Simulation room 1
- Cardiology – 3D Systems Angio Mentor , CAE Transthoracic Echocardiography
- Internal Medicine – Immersion Endoscopy (EGD, ERCP, Colonoscopy and Bronchoscopy), 3D Systems Endoscopy
- System Based Virtual Reality (VR) Simulation room 2
- Surgery/OBGYN – 3D Systems Laparoscopy
- OBGYN – 3D Pelvis Examination Simulator, Vimedix OBGYN Ultrasound
- 1 classroom: 35 seats with state-of- the-art audio-visual equipment.
- 1 Debriefing rooms with some Skill Training Simulators.
- 1 Offices
- 2 Conference rooms
- 1 General activities room
- 2 Storage rooms for medical supplies
- 1 Storage room for storage of simulation equipment
- 4 Restrooms