Center for Elaboration Competency & Innovation in Clinical Simulation (CECICS) is an integral component of Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine (PNTU),and is a critical element to support PNTU in the development and implementation of the competency-based curriculum, as well as to enhance the quality of the training and clinical competence of the trainees in the undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate medical education programs. CECICS will play a major role to support PNTU in achieving its ambitious educational mission and vision.

CECICS-PNTU collaborates with Medical Education Department, Faculty Development Unit and Clinical Departments for Designing, Development, Implementing and Assessing the Medical Curriculumn

In addition, CECIS will provide excellent opportunities for learners to develop, maintain and update essential core competencies of medical skills at all learning stages.

CECICS-PNTU also plays an important role in the “Faculty Development Program” of University of Medicine Pham Ngoc Thach by contributing to the design and development of educational objective, goals, evaluation and feedback methods for clinical simulation programs of Medical students, Residents, Postgraduate education, Faculty and Bachelors of nursing. The Clinical Skills Training Program for faculty is based on competency standards that focus on the safety of patients and meet the six competencies of the learner (clinical knowledge, patient care, theoretical learning with practice, communication skills, professionalism and system-based practice). The Faculty Development Unit and CECICS-PNTU provide ongoing support to ensure a good program for clinical simulation research.

With courses designed to enhance learners’ ability at different levels, CECICS-PNTU utilizes a variety of technologies to enable students to master clinical skills, practice skills, develop communication skills and apply clinical decisions in a safety and supportive learning environment.