CECICS has organized regular meetings to prepare for SSH Accreditation

With cooperation and help from Texas Tech University, Center for Advanced Teaching and Assessment in Clinical Simulation (ATACS), Professor Ho Hoi and Dr. Ho Kim Tuyen – Texas Tech, El Paso, Center for Elaboration Competency and Innovation in Clinical Simulation (CECICS) of Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine (PNTU) received SSH Provisional Accreditation in San Antonio on Feb 26th, 2019.

In order to prepare for full SSH Accreditation of Core, Teaching and Assessment on May 15, 2021, all CECICS staff have continuously worked under direct guidance of Professor Ho Hoi through Skype meetings that are held every 2 weeks. Other relevant Offices and Departments have also participated in the meetings to discuss and contribute ideas for the common goal of PNTU.